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  Writers! Register here for the


5/25/24, 1 - 3 pm EDT

(**POSTPONED! Stay tuned for the next one!)

Join author and creativity coach Nina Hart, founder of Writing from the Top of Your Head, for this sanctuary for creative exploration.

Come to the BAD WRITING playhouse!

Mark the date for Saturday, May 25th at 1 pm EDT (10 am PDT) as I will be hosting the live event on Zoom...

Only $25 for 120 minutes.

Has your writing practice stalled?

Do you want to learn to write in a whole new way?

Could your writing process be more of an adventure and less of a chore?

Do you want to bypass your thinking and controlling mind when you write, and tap into flow?

Join us!

Set your bad writing free, there is GREAT power and surprise in bad writing! It creates FREEDOM!

We’re constantly being told to “be good” in life and art. What if we took the pressure off? What if we stopped trying to be perfect, and instead tried for intentionally bad?

As author Anne Lamott says “Perfectionism is the voice of the oppressor, the enemy of the people.

It’s counterintuitive to our culture, but “being bad” is the cure for obstacles to our writing and creative process.

You will surprise yourself, revive yourself, be curious, find wonder. Your inner kid will come out from under a rock, just wanting to play!

Adults need playtime. Goofiness pops perfectionism like a bubble. Come join us and learn new ways!

“You will have written badly, but you will not have allowed it to be atrocious.”

~ Kevin McIlvoy

“Nina Hart creates a structure and process that feels like magic. Her class is an engine for inspiration and creative flow and it has consistently helped me break through in all of my work.”

~ILona Kimberly Nagy

Event Postponed!

Stay tuned…

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What others have said about Writing from the Top of Your Head….

"Nina is the best of the best at cheerleading the wounded soul of creativity"


"No matter what kind of artist you are, this class is essential to your creative blossoming."

~Badria Jazairi

“I don’t know how Nina does it, but she’s giving students back to themselves.”

~ Josephine Spilka